Indeed, vacations are meant to end. At best they are wonderful diversions from one's "normal" life. And if a vacation were indeed your life you would need to take a vacation from it! A never ending circle I suppose.
Although vacations have a terminus point, as they should, pilgrimages don't. While hiking through Ireland earlier this summer it became apparent to me pretty early on that a pilgrimage is really just a microcosm of ordinary life. The walking itself can be difficult, monotonous and frankly at times boring. There are no museums, tours, snorkeling or any other kind of distraction out in the mountains. Just me and all my demons waiting to show up and reflect themselves off the other pilgrims. Of course all their demons showed up too.
Yet, just as I felt done with the whole experience I would round a corner and be encountered with a breathtaking view or another traveler would say something profound or amazing or maybe something as simple as a sheep would be in my path reminding me that goodness in life is often simple. So, even though life can be difficult, painful and complicated by others and myself it is only a matter of time before something wholly wonderful will occur.
As we make our final trip home today, I too am happy to be going home. Our vacation is over but our pilgrimage is not.