My pilgrimage to Ireland was the first time was away from my children for an extended period of time for recreational purposes. I felt a void throughout. At every turn during the 100 mile hike, I would see something I wished my kids could experience with me. "Oh, Allison would love that!" Or,"David would think that was funny!" Alas, I had to enjoy these sights solo.
Our family pilgrimage to Mexico has been much different. I've relished watching our children take in the sights, sounds and smells. The immersion into another culture has been a great experience for all of us. I've especially enjoyed watching the kids start using Spanish and making playground friends with the locals. My heart is full.
Some might think my attachment to my children is a sort of co-dependency but I would disagree. I wonder if the way I feel about my kids is just a slight peek into the heart of the divine. Perhaps God wants to watch all of creation experience life they way I ache for my children to share my experiences.
I feel the exact same way about my boys, they are my life, they fill my heart with joy and make me want to dance. I think spending family time together builds a strong foundation and self esteem for when the boys "fly the coop". They will have a sense of adventure and a yearning for learning all without the "what if....." factor. Carry on my friend and fill your heart and share those experiences with your kids!