Monday, April 30, 2012

Lenten Devotional 2012

Exodus 2:23-3:15                                                    
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Mark 9:14-29

Lenten Devotional

I was dumbfounded when asked to write a devotional. There is almost nothing as nerve wracking for me than to share my spiritual thoughts, especially in public. Not one to back down to from any challenge, I quickly whipped out my BCP and found my readings.

The passage in Exodus describes Moses encountering that weird sight in the desert. A burning bush saying, “I AM who I AM.” My life has been full of burning bushes. Since childhood I have had a nagging and often times persistent call from the divine. At times it is there to comfort me but more often it beckons me into tasks that often leave me asking, like Moses, “Who am I that I should go…?” Moses went, so I chose to read on.

The consummate Corinthian’s text was next. The passage read at my wedding. You know the one, “Love is patient; Love is kind…” At this point I was confused and amazed.  I started thinking Gil must have set this up. Two passages in a row that speak to me so directly and clearly? Surely, this was yet another burning bush in my life or I was losing touch with reality.

The final reading sealed the deal. Jesus healing a child with an apparent seizure disorder (referred to in the bible as a “spirit”) who is also speech and hearing impaired. Now, for those of you who don’t know, I am a Speech and Language Pathologist. Yes. My degree is in Speech and Hearing Sciences. At this point in my reading I am grinning with glee at an event that might seem uncommon. However, in my life I have had so many experiences with God that my response usually is, “of course that happened.”

So, during this season of Lent I will focus on putting an end to childish ways and start sharing my divine experiences with others.

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