Monday, April 21, 2014

Abundance #2

Abundance #2

I made a mistake. Not a big one, mind you but I admit, I did screw up and not in just one-way. My error was that my previous blog entry was not actually the first time I had written about abundance yet I titled it, “Abundance #1.” I also noticed that I missed a couple of typos while I was editing.

“Why does this matter?” you might be wondering and to be honest I really don’t think it does. However, my reactions to the mistake(s) are signposts for me that point to growth. Perhaps emotional, perhaps spiritual, perhaps both or maybe neither.

Let me clarify. I have spent some time reflecting on what makes an abundant life. Since this is my word and my vision for the year, I thought it would be useful to parse out what helps to build abundance and what strips life of it. One of the first things I had to face was that perfectionism, in any form, simply is not part of the equation. Attempted perfectionism is at best futile and at worst miserably destructive.

I had to examine the fact, that at least within me, the desire to be perfect was and is fear-based with hints of superstition. “If I do this right and that right and make no errors than nothing bad will happen.” I am fully aware that this thinking is firmly rooted in my dysfunctional upbringing but others along the way have contributed to this neurotic, life sucking cauldron of non-sense.

Interactions with those who feel the need to elevate themselves through corrections of my grammar, spelling or semantic prowess have left their mark. Snide remarks about my behavior at a social gathering or worse yet highly intense interactions about updated, high-end cabinetry that I do not have my house (and never realized I needed) have caused me to be on high alert in regard to the way I speak, act and the material items I should or shouldn’t want.

Well, I am here to tell you that this silliness is stopping, because I am choosing abundance over of the useless pursuit of perfection. I am choosing lightness and abundant self-love over trying to be smarter, better behaved or more stylish than others. Attempting to achieve the later might be either the definition of insanity or hell.
So, my friends I apologize for the redundant blog titles, the typos, the fragments, the swear words and the 1980s cabinets. To me embracing the mess is the fastest path to abundance.

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