Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Abundance #4

Abundance #4

I love to write. Ideas stir inside me and demand to be expressed. But there is more. It is not just processing my inner thoughts, which could be done verbally. The progression of writing drops me into an otherworldly space. An out of body sensation is usually present as I phrase and rephrase the content and word order. I like things to sound just right as I attempt to reveal my mental and emotional life to others.
The vulnerability in writing thrills me. Anxiety and excitement, two sides of the same coin, play themselves out whenever I publicly share my works. I wonder if this is how gamblers feel, a mix of the fear of loss (in a writer’s case criticism or rejection) with the potential of a big win. But what constitutes a, “big win” for an amateur writer?
A couple of years ago when I first started to blog a friend at the time asked me in a rather negative way, “Why would you think anyone would want to read what you have to write?”  This question haunts me every time I click the, “publish” button on the Blogger website.
My answer to that friend’s antagonistic remark has changed since I initially responded. At the time my response was a self-protecting, “I write for me and no one else.” Although, when I think about writing now, especially through the lens of nurturing abundance in my life, I know that writing isn’t just about me. My soul longs to positively impact at least a few people through my written word. Whether it is presenting a new viewpoint, offering a funny story or perhaps showing others that they too can write.

So, I will continue to write with abundance and hopefully some self-love and compassion.

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